Paint chip names are distinctly feminine leaving men unenthused and maybe even a bit uncomfortable. So, in the interests of involving men in the colour choosing process, we introduced, ‘Paint Chip Names for Men.’
It began with a facebook app where users were invited to submit alternative ‘manly’ names and have them voted up. Out of home transit shelters, newspaper ads, and online video were used to promote the app. Within 45 days, 15,000 facebook stories were created and spread 400,000 times. There were 100 million online media impressions. On average, users spent 10 minutes on the app, creating 15,000 new paint chip names. The campaign triggered over $1,000,000 in earned (unpaid) media across North American, with coverage in Time Magazine, the Washington Post, the National Post, CTV National News, CBC National News, to name a few. In fact, Global TV National News in Canada produced their own 4-minute video on the campaign, to lead their evening prime time news. In real numbers, the campaign resulted in a 10% lift in sales, the largest single year increase in CIL’s history.